Thursday, March 24, 2011

I'm Fat

A year ago, I thought I was big for my size and desperately trying to shrink... Looking back, that was the best shape I have ever been in my entire life.

FACT, I am a very petite person, but I am also very naturally muscular and have a medium bone structure. I believe the term for that is athletic...

So I use to go to the gym everyday, and was on a very harsh diet. School was overwhelming and the diet depressed me; so I gave up on all that. A year later, I know what I look like "fat". Good news is, I still have a figure, but everything is bigger. I need to change. I feel like it's time to change. That being said, I am going to make myself workout somehow, somewhere... starting next week; and let me tell you why:I am running 20 hour days this week; running a show ruins fitness plans!! As soon as this current show closes, I am going back on the wagon. I am learning more about nutrition and plan to fit the gym hard. I want to look good, I want to feel good, I want to wear my size 10's again (2 whole pant sizes).
So, here's to health. Let's see what happens.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I Need a Look

I am creeping towards the end of my college career and the beginning of the rest of my life... My job requires a certain... flare, a look. Something that tells my clients that I know what I am doing... I certainly don't feel like I am doing a good job in that area. :(
I use to have style. I used to care how I look. What happened? These days I find myself in jeans, and a top thrown together, my hair either falling in my face or in a ponytail and it's a battle to get make up on (I think I look weird made up)... Oh my god... I AM MY SISTER!!! That was never supposed to happen!!
I need help. I need your help! Someone needs to pull a Stacey and Clinton, What Not to Wear moment and smack some sense into me!!

I miss watching that show. It was really educational and it turned me onto fashion. :D

I know that I seem to constantly bitch and moan on this thing... But I don't worry about it too much:
1) no one reads this
2) it's the only way I can get it out of my system

On a side note... Only a week left of school and then it is time for spring break. So excited, it's my last one. Going to run errands, see family, play with the lover... celebrate my birthday. I hope it's a good one.