Wednesday, August 31, 2011

2 1/2 - 3 Day Til THE MOVE!

Noticed I posted last in March. A lot has happened, let me put you up to speed:
*I graduated college, I am officially a carrier of a BFA and a full time professional Wig/Make Up Artist!
*I got a Mac Book (liking it for the most part)
*I spent the summer in the mountains at Brevard, NC, working as a Wig Master at the Brevard Music Center where me and my trusty assistant styled and applied wigs for 5 shows in 4 weeks! Insane, right?

(I will be adding pics soon)

*I visited the boyfriend in Charleston where he is going to school FINALLY and couldn't be more proud of him. We even managed to throw our annual tradition of seeing a good ol' Braves game. T'was amazing!
*Oh, I got a job in Alabama where I will be doing Wig/Make Up Stuff as well as wardrobe spectacular. It seems like a good business, 13 shows in 37 weeks... I hope it's an amazing experience.
*I get to take Zak, my dog with me (I just started a new blog about me and him, if you are interested in reading that)
*I'm moving in 2... 2 1/2... 3? DAYS?! WOW!!! Still need to figure out what to pack for the first month. Mom is bringing all the big and heavy stuff in October, when I move into my very own apartment.

It's been a crazy week. My grandmother in the hospital, one of our bitches (dog) lost her puppies in birth, everyone busy with life; it feels like it's going to be an awkward good bye, but I'll take what I can get.

Still in bed right now, but I really do need to get up and start working on something. Probably begin the game of car tetras so I can better guestimate how much I can actually bring.

Next time I'll be on will probably be when I have moved, so till then!

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