Sunday, September 26, 2010


Do you remember when you were a kid and say... 8-9 o'clock would come around and your parents would send you to bed; you did so and of course you weren't tired. If you were like me, you would be awake for at least 45 more minutes before you fell asleep. I remember having little dance parties on my bed with my little sister (yay 90's club music) until dad would come in with his reinforcement. I hated bedtimes; looking back at it, I am glad it was standard because I would rise early and rock hard all day during school. I think the last time I woke at 6:00 am was around the last week of my senior year in high school. Generally I now get up around 9-10 am. But now since I got a job in the mornings with the school I kind of have to wake up really early so I can get to the office around 8 am. Knowing this should make me want to fall asleep, but it isn't easy. I am usually ready to fall asleep two hours from now. When one a.m. hits, I lay down and fall right asleep; say around 11:30, not so much. It is definitely going to take awhile, but I have said it as a child and I will say it as an adult-- BEDTIMES STINK!!!
And just to remind myself, it is now past my bedtime. I need to lay down.

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