Wednesday, September 15, 2010


So a stomach bug decided to pay me a visit last night. Started feeling nauseous around 7, started throwing up around 9 and continued that process til 4 am. Not the worse illness I have ever had, but it runs up there pretty good. Been awake for about an hour now (trying to let everyone know at the college that I am not well enough for registration today and also trying to settle the holds on my account, while in my bed. I considered walking there, but I am too drained from the night prior... I will have to go to Financial Aid to sign some paper work to fix something, but that will be later in the day when I have had some rest... and a shower. The big obstacle right now is settling with Residence over some ridiculous fee for the apartment I lived in last year. I admit, I did leave something in my room (forgot, and then realized while driving through West Virgina) but that isn't worth $298 dollars. And considering the fact that this fee is divided by 3... or 4... or 3 not sure since roommate number 1 left early, there is a lot of damage for that apartment, most of which was not in my control. I was 2nd to leave, so if it was a mess, it wasn't my fault. I'll fix it, no doubt.
I'm really sad because I wont get to see everyone today. I am missing the registration, the all school meeting, and the famous group pictures; all because of this mysterious illness, how rude of my body! Going to spend the day in bed, slowing putting fluids back in me and hope my stomach decides to stop groaning in there. Haha!

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