Monday, August 23, 2010

I Am Still Alive

It's been awhile, I don't have the internet at home, so I have to mooch from public buildings. Decided to stop by the McDonald's and check the world outside of my small town. Seems like everyone is doing okay. It's amazing how the pace drastically changes when I return home. Sometimes I'm going insane out of boredom because I have nothing to do and sometimes I just take a deep breath and enjoy the moment. It's vacation after all.
Speaking of vacation, the boyfriend and I are heading out of state for the weekend to spend some time together. I am very excited. We haven't been to the beach in years. In fact almost 6... which is about as long as we have been together. Wow! I am very excited anyway.
All to say for now, I got to go and do my other daily chores.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Ohh College/Preformance Calendars

Mother called the school today to express her concern in how we were going to pay my last year of school and that is currently under construction at the school's Financial Aid office. It's amazing what can be done/fixed if you just ask someone. Mom is applying for the loan again this year, I hope she gets it; and God knows when I get out I will find a way to help pay it back for her. I'm already preparing myself to get a job with a work study program in morning (where academics would be taken place) and doing some outside work on the side to cover supplies/food for the year. I am kind of glad that all of my friends graduated last year, because I have no idea how I am going to keep a strict schedule and a social life...
Speaking of schedules, I have wonderful news...
The head of my department at school just released the performance calendar for the year... In the fall, I will be working outside the school and running "Cosi Fan Tutte" in Charlotte with Martha, my teacher/professional mentor... Build/Run "Light Up the Sky" with non other than my Michael (b/c we haven't had enough of each other)... And then, comes the part that put the giant twinkle in my eye...
"Necole Bluhm/Design/Cosi Fan Tutte" -- OMG! The moment I have been waiting for in three years, my first official design. Not only that, an opera, and not only that... The Winter Opera (a big deal). I am so honored that I was assigned this show and I am so excited to be working with all that are involved. I cannot wait! But wait, there is more to this wonderful story... In the Spring, I am also designing "Harper's Ferry" and another outside job doing my favorite show in the whole world-- "HMS Pinafore". I am so excited, granted it will be a very hard year... Having jobs, classes, shows to design, but it's the last year. I am so thankful for all those who help me out and those who believe in me to work on these assignment I just hope I don't let anyone down.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


So, it is only day 5 of my project to self tan myself, and I am abandoning it. It worked okay, I guess... but it was too much hassle (putting it on, and doing it right) and I cannot stand the smell it produced on me. I think I will stick to smelling pretty before I choose to alter my coloration. It was pretty exciting though... And honestly, I am returning to having red hair and fairer skin (I think) look much complimentary.
... Pandora decided I should be listening to Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On"... Dear God, that is an old song!
Monday's adventure was phenomenal. Spent the day with a few gents, we swam, ate, joked, played some serious wiffle ball and swam a little more. They decided to catch a film, while Michael and I went to Dorney park where we "wee'd" the night away on thrill rides and silly carnival rides. That will be our last free Monday up here, we will be returning to the south upon the next Monday... So friggin' excited!
Got word that I got some pretty financial aid awards for school next year... only 14 thousand dollars short. This is the time of the summer where I begin to freak out in a desperate search finding this. And sadly, this is something I cannot brush off. It's my final year, I have to finish! Mom says we'll figure something out. :D No production assignments yet, btw. I (and I bet everyone else in our department) am getting really frustrated with all of this waiting. We usually get our info in July. It's killing me, I want to know what I designing, what/where I am working!! I hope we hear soon... As in tomorrow!
Time for bed.

Monday, August 2, 2010


My day off. Yay! And not soon enough!! What a long and crazy week. I have survived and have had some adventures. Really looking forward to tomorrow though. Was going to be a day at the theme park with Michael, but then I heard that the actors and others were going to be hanging at the pool and then to the park and I was like "I have to go!" Michael was a little less enthused for his reasons but said it was ok and that he would meet us at the park later in the day. This is probably the last opportunity I have to make an impression with some of these people (that doesn't involve alcohol for once-- and I like that) and I want to do it! So, I'm going to get some sleep. Wake up in a few hours. Put on my bikini (that I am a little self conscious about) and ride the waves of socialization. Hopefully I will be making some friends. Hopefully it will be a good day.