Monday, July 26, 2010


To many, Monday is the beginning of their week, the day they mostly dread. For me it is the best day in the world... it's my day off... And not a moment too soon. I really think I am burning out over here. If anything I am just suffering a bad case of the blahs. Haven't really done anything too productive yet in the day, but I think I will be picking it up soon. There is laundry to wash (including my favorite tote), a bed to be fluffed and things to be organized. I need some order back into my life; I really stink at living on the edge. Sure it isn't exciting, but I like it.I get my thrill at work where I make beautiful things. Speaking of beautiful Touch Up Tuesday is coming up and as mentioned in the last post, it's going to be a fun filled day of brushing, teasing, curling and pinning. I had to strike my Elizabethan style wig last night in order to brush out and set (obviously) and had about 4 ounces of pins come out of that single wig! Crazy!! I get to put that thing back together and knowing what to do and how I want to do it this time, I think it will look better than before. Maybe I'll post some of my work up so you, the reader can see what I talk about all the time. :)
So yeah... I think I am going to take care of all my chores so I can go to bed early-- for once. I am starting to mix up my days and nights.

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