Thursday, July 22, 2010

Week of Drama!

This morning, I was writing a blog about the drama that my designer and I had the other night, but since all has been resolved, I don't feel like going on the rant that I was initially taking, but I hate not telling the whole story so let me summarize:
Actress wanted hair style certain way --> Designer doesn't allow --> Actress goes on, even tries to take matters into her own hands --> Designer fails to sway and in facts grows infuriated --> Actress gets angry, blows up at the designer (I fear the worse), doesn't wear the wig for the performance --> Designer has meeting with the Director, he was in the right and is very understanding :) --->> Flash Forward to This Morning ---> Designer gets a voice mail, email, and card with a very formal apology from the actress --> Wig is altered --> All is well!
... She apologized to everyone actually. I gave her a hug when I saw her in the dressing room, after delivering something to another performer. She looked like she needed one. I told her that everyone has a bad day. I know I certainly do; and when I am feeling rotten, whoever is in my path at that moment may not survive my evil glare. Does it make it right of us? No, but its what we do.
On another note, work has quickly become lighter in the day. Since May 28, I have been used to running my 13 hour days. In the past couple of weeks, it has gone down to 8, and now, we are reaching that 6 hour day mark(two hours before show + run + post). A little confession I am a bit of a workaholic. I strive on work and stress, not showing up to work until 5 in the afternoon gives me the shakes just thinking about it. But it certainly will do me some good. I have a few projects that I need to take care of before the summer ends and that is a very short time line.
One of the biggest assignments I have given myself is to build my professional website. I am only a year away from seriously entering the real world, and it is never too late to begin that networking, or so my instructors at the university tell me; so that is defiantly a big key. Now, I just need to gather the good pictures of my work up, figure out what I am trying to sell on this sight and find a program to let me design all of this. It's very strange, I've been pretty mature most of my youth, but there is definitely a fear present just thinking about what is going to happen after I accept my diploma and leave W-S. I have a few plans, just not sure of the specific; either way I am just making myself worry as usual.
Only 21 + days until this season ends and I return home. I cannot wait for this! I talk to my boyfriend every night, and we video chat whenever I decide to bring my computer home during the work week, and every time I see his face I think, God, I cannot wait to have you in my arms again! Pathetic, but it makes me smile. My mother and sister... I talk to them everyday (sometimes twice) and the angst grows stronger with each conversation . So many things to show them, so many stories to tell... And I long for a home cooked meal! It is going to be awesome!
Well, it is almost 3:30 in the morning, and I still have to get up at a reasonable hour, until later...

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